At Sacred Heart, our mission statement to have Christ at the ‘centre of our lives’ is lived out daily through our curriculum, offering all individuals the opportunity to develop their abilities and fulfil their true potential. Our children’s faith is nurtured, building a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith, scripture and sacraments while promoting respect and tolerance for the religious and moral values and the belief of others. Through the development of respect for self and others, we foster an understanding and care of the environment and endeavour to build strong links between home, parish and school, enabling children to understand their role in the wider community.

Our aims

  • RE is the core of the core subjects and the foundation of all areas of the curriculum and is at the heart of school life. Our aim is that children leave Sacred Heart School with a wide range interesting and exciting experiences driven through an engaging and comprehensive curriculum. The basis of knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith provided, enables them to develop a personal faith in Jesus Christ and allows them to know, love and serve God.
  • Children will meet the Diocesan Standards for Primary Religious Education, which will be taught by experienced staff who will engage children’s interest in RE.

We follow the religious program ‘Come and See’, which covers a range of challenging themes from EYFS to Y6.

  • Children will develop their spiritual life through prayer and reflection. They will develop a deeper awareness of God’s presence in their own lives and the lives of others. Their Religious Education will underpin work on spiritual, moral, vocational, social and cultural education across the curriculum.
  • RE will encompass skills from other subjects and children will be encouraged to investigate, question and develop their beliefs with courage and enthusiasm.


The curriculum hours in RE are non-negotiable and will be followed by all staff in the school. Curriculum RE counts for 10% of the timetable.

The RE coordinator will work with Senior Leadership Team to evaluate provision in order to ensure teaching and learning in RE is at least good. Where necessary, staff will receive coaching and training in RE.

We follow the ‘Come and See’ scheme of work, which is approved by Hexham and Newcastle diocese. Each year group will study a number of units over the year.

The units are developmental, building on previous knowledge and experience and appropriate to the children’s age and understanding.

Children will be positively engaged in RE lessons through the use of a variety of sources such as religious stories, scripture, religious artwork, songs, and religious signs and symbols. Key figures in the history of God will be studied including those from the Old and New testaments as well as modern day Saints.

Children will have opportunities to develop their own knowledge and expertise as well as sharing experiences with others. This will be achieved through whole class teaching, group activities and individual work. Where possible, pupils will participate in Mass, liturgical prayer and liturgies throughout the school year.


  • Through RE, children deepen their appreciation of their faith and fulfil their God-given talents.
  • Children of all abilities and backgrounds make good progress in RE.
  • Clear outcomes focus and guide all RE development plans and drive improvement.
  • Children produce good quality work across RE and are proud of their work.
  • The children will grow to know and love God, develop their moral and spiritual nature and deepen their faith.
  • Through religious practice, the church’s traditions of prayer and worship will be upheld.
  • Children show compassion, justice, love and forgiveness in their relationships with others. Children will develop confidence and resilience.
  • Children will confidently use skills such as retelling, describing, comparing, giving reasons, explaining the meaning of biblical stories and considering the impact of beliefs.