Welcome to Year 3

Be strong enough to stand alone

Smart enough to know when you need help

and brave enough to ask for it

Year 3

Mrs Marin

Mrs Marin


Miss Bailey

Miss Bailey


Teaching Assistants - Mrs Sutton, Mrs McNamara and Miss Jones

Welcome to your Year 3 class page. We are looking forward to welcoming you all and getting to know you. In Year 3 we will be doing lots of fun activities.


Children are expected to read every day to an adult and, although we won't be using Reading Records at the moment, parents may send a Dojo message to say that a child has read.

Homework will include; weekly spellings to be tested on a Monday and a piece of Maths/English homework to consolidate class work. This will be uploaded onto Seesaw.


Please ensure children come to school in their PE kits on these days. PE kit is a plain red T-shirt or school PE top and black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms. Please ensure earrings are removed on their P.E. days.

Our PE days will be Tuesday and Friday.

Swimming - Whilst in Year 3 children will be given the opportunity to go swimming. Please ensure that your child has their swimming costume/trunks (no baggy shorts), cap and towel. Earrings must be removed prior to swimming.

All Year 3 swimming will resume in Spring 2 term

This year our English lessons will be based on a book. These will be:


Times Table Rock Stars and Reading Plus

In class, children have access to Times Table Rock Stars, to help support their learning of multiplication facts and in preparation for the Year 4 multiplication assessment.  Children can use their login details to also access Times Table Rock Stars at home.

Reading Plus is an online reading program to help develop fluency and comprehension skills.  It is used weekly in school but children can also use their login details to access it at home and it is a great resource to develop their reading skills.

Year 3 Curriculum Newsletters

Updated: 15/03/2023 235 KB