Welcome to Year 2
Teacher - Mrs Williams and Mrs Atherton
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Horsley and Mrs Bibi
During the Autumn Term we will be reading a range of Percy the Park Keeper stories by Nick Butterworth. After half term we will focus on Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett, The Day the Crayons Quit and The Jolly Christmas Postman by Allan Ahlberg.
During the Spring Term we will use books linked to our science, history and geography curriculum .... more details to follow.
During the Summer Term our books will include a range of stories that are a twist on traditional tales, including Jim and the beanstalk and Mr Wolf's pancakes. We will be writing character and setting descriptions and writing stories. After half term we will be using Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as the stimulus for our writing.
We will begin the year by consolidating knowledge of numbers to 100, understanding place value. we will use bar models and part whole models to partition numbers.
Counting forwards and backwards from zero in 2s, 3s and 5s is a skill we will continue to develop early in Year 2.
Counting in 10s starting at any number forwards and backwards is another skill we will work on.
Children should come to school wearing their PE kit. PE kit is a plain red T-shirt or school PE top and black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms.
PE will be on a Monday and Thursday.