Welcome to Year 4
Year 4
Mrs Allinson
Mrs Evans
Miss Welsh
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Allsopp
From time to time, we may contact you via Class Dojo. You are welcome to contact class teachers on this also.
Throughout the year we will be covering many topics, for example:
- The Anglo-Saxons and the Scots
- Volcanoes and Earthquakes
- Sound
- Ancient Greece
- Plastic Pollution
- States of matter
- Henry V111 and the Reformation
- Migrations
- Living Things
- Electricity
We will also be basing much of our English work around books we will read as a class:
- Friend or Foe
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- Shackelton's Journey
- The Firework-Maker's daughter
- How to train your dragon
- Skyhawk
Children are expected to read every day to an adult and a comment by a parent is to be written in their reading record, at least three times per week.
Homework will include; weekly spellings to be tested on a Thursday and a maths activity linked to the children's work during the week.
Children in Year 4 will get the opportunity to go swimming as part of the P.E lesson. Swimming kit consists of swimming costume/trunks (No baggy shorts), towel, hat and goggles (goggles letter).
All Year 4 will resume swimming in Spring 1 term.
Children will have one hour PE lesson in which they will learn various skills and take part in dances, gymnastic routines and games. They need black PE shorts, a red t-shirt and trainers and are to come to school wearing these on their allocated PE day. On cooler days, the children may wear suitable clothing eg black leggings/ tracksuit bottoms and their school jumper/cardigan. Jumpers for PE are available to purchase. The children will then stay in their PE kits for the rest of the day. Children must ensure that their earrings are removed, and long hair tied back on the morning of their PE lesson.
Class 9 PE day is on a Wednesday
Class 10 PE day is on a Monday