Welcome to Year 6

Year 6

Mr Newcombe

Mr Newcombe


Mr Cook

Mr Cook


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Daniel and Mrs Connolly

From time to time, we may contact you via email or Class Dojo. You are welcome to contact class teachers via the Class Dojo app.

Home Learning

In this section you will find a range of writing, maths, grammar and topic tasks for children to complete at home. Children can also go on TT Rockstars and Reading Plus at home.

New tasks will be uploaded each week.

Thank you

Mr Newcombe and Mr Cook

Transition Activities (optional)

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Children are expected to read every day (reading records initialled by a parent) and need to read to a parent twice a week (a comment is needed from the parent).  Reading records are to be handed in every day.


Spellings will be issued on a Friday and tested the following Friday. Children are encouraged to use a range of methods to learn their spellings.

Maths and Grammar

Maths and Grammar homework will be issued in the form of a worksheet. Maths homework will cover areas that children have been working on in class. Grammar homework will cover grammar terms from all previous year groups and the current year group.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be handed in the following Wednesday.


PE for Year 6 will be outdoors, when possible. Children come to school in their PE kits. PE kits consist of suitable trainers, a red school PE t-shirt or a plain red t-shirt and plain black shorts/bottoms/leggings. School jumper/cardigan needs to be worn or PE jumpers are available to purchase.

Y6 PE day is Monday and Friday


Children will need plain costume/trunks (no baggy shorts), towel, goggles, goggle letter.

All Year 6 children will resume swimming in Spring 1 term.

We will be basing our English lessons around a range of texts

Francis (Short story video)



Maths - fractions and decimals

SATs Revision links

Dance Mat Typing

Year 6 Curriculum Newsletters

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