Well-Being Lead & Mental Health Champion
Mrs Gregory & Miss Waller
Well-Being Team
Mrs McNamara
Mrs Connor (ELSA Trained)
Mrs Bujnowski (ELSA Trained)
From time to time individuals and families may require additional support to help and improve their emotional and mental health. Here at Sacred Heart we value mental health as much as we value physical health. If you, your family or you child need some support, advice or information please do not hesitate to contact us. At Sacred Heart some members of staff have been trained to provide mental health first aid and well-being support. Our Well-Being Leads are Mrs Gregory and Miss Waller and they have a team to help them which includes: Mrs Connor, Mrs Bujnowski and Mrs McNamara.
We recognise that this is a difficult and worrying time for families and children and we hope this web page can provide some advice and support. During these strange and worrying times it is normal to feel stressed and anxious. It is more important than ever to look after our own mentally healthy and support our children to stay emotionally and mentally healthy. At Sacred Heart we have a group of children who are committed to making every child feel welcomed and happy in school. They are easily recognisable as they wear yellow Wellbeing Ambassador badges so the children know who they are.
"The Wellbeing Ambassadors have been amazing this year and have made a real positive difference to life in school. They agreed it has been a very successful year helping to bring people together, making people happy and spreading more joy around the school. They have helped others remember and live the virtues. A huge thank you to all of them for their hard work". Mrs. Marin.
These are some of the things the previous Wellbeing Ambassadors have said:
“I loved being an Ambassador because you can help people.”
“Being a Wellbeing Ambassador has been fantastic!”
“I have liked helping people.”
“I felt really happy being a Wellbeing Ambassador because I have helped people come together.”
“I have loved it because I like to help people and I have made a difference.”
“I have enjoyed being a Wellbeing Ambassador because I make people happy.”
“I feel like it has taught me some life skills and what to do to help people.”
“It has been a good experience being the first year to be Wellbeing Ambassador.”
“I have liked it because I have built new relationships.”
“I have enjoyed it because being Wellbeing Ambassador because I have made people smile.”
Below are some resources and websites that may provide you and your children with help and support. Alternatively, you can contact us via the school telephone number or our email address: admin@hpoolsacredheart.org.uk
Support For Our Children
What is Coronavirus? An explainer for Children
Below is a child friendly video that explains Coronavirus to you children. Click the link below to watch the video.
Playmobil Video
Take a look at this animated video where ROBert discusses coronavirus in a child friendly way.
Mindheart Covibook
A child friendly resource to help children understand the virus and explore how they feel.
Dave the Dog is Worried About Coronavirus
This is a story that has been produced by a nurse to help children feeling worried about the coronavirus outbreak. It is a great resource for children in Early Years and Key Stage One.
Coronavirus – A Book For Children
Childline is a great website with lots of different resources to help children with any worries or concerns that they may have.
Carol Gray
This resources aims to support Key Stage 2 children with their understanding of pandemics and the Coronavirus.
Anna Freud
The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families has a useful website for both children and adults. It has parenting groups where you can get assistance with managing and understanding your child’s emotions as well as other information and advice.
Free educational resources for children’s and young people’s mental health.
Forestry England
Lots of practical activities that can be done outside to keep your children busy and active!
Brain Break Breathing
These breathing activities are calming and relaxing which can help us re-focus during stressful and anxious times. They are great for both children and adults. Click the title to view these child-friendly breathing activities.
A free online counselling and emotional wellbeing platform for young people in our area. It is designed for children aged 11 to 18 years old as well as adults.
Different resources that may help with tackling children’s and families anxiety and concerns.
Support for Parents, Carers & Staff
Mental Health
A broad range of links to mental health resources on the internet.
Mentally Healthy Schools
They have created good resources for children, parents and any other adults who need some support and advice.
Young Minds
Young Minds has listed some advice if you or your child are experiences feelings of anxiety.
Young Minds
Another publication from Young Minds lists some advice on how to look after your mental health if you are self-isolating.
Mental Health Foundation
This resource provides advice about how to talk to your children about scary world news.
This is the Government’s guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and well-being.
Action for Children – Advice for Parents
This website allows you to talk to a Parenting Coach online, read their tips for family well-being and home schooling and ideas to have some fun.
NHS – Every Mind Matters
The NHS website has wealth of information about Coronavirus. This link will take you to the Every Mind Matters page which has advice and practical tips to help you and your child’s mental health, as well as ideas on how to tackle working from home and how to discuss the virus
Qwell is a provider of online mental health services for adults. Qwell, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of need.
WHO – Healthy Parenting
This link will take you to the WHO website where they have created 6 posters to help you interact constructively with your child, staying positive, managing stress and avoiding bad behaviour.
Wellbeing and Mental Health During Covid-19: A Guide to Looking After Yourself and Others
Take a look at this guide as it describes ways to beat anxiety, manage your personal stress buckets, support children and much more.
Visit the website if you are worried about your mental health where you will find a collection of resources. Alternatively, you can call them for free at any time on 116 123.
CAHMS Self Help Guide
A library of self-help guides that may be useful. There are a range of guides that are aimed at children, adults and families.
Alliance – Mindfulness for Kits
Mindfulness for Kits presents a series of five short stories and audio recordings which introduce children, in a fun way, to the very rewarding skills of mindfulness
Emotional Well-Being Tasks
Daily Check In Activity
Sometimes children don’t like to talk about their feelings and sometimes they don’t know how to express their feelings and thoughts. This activity will encourage your child to discuss how they are feeling and what they are thinking, as well as setting goals throughout the day.
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Having a sense of gratitude helps us to feel happy and hopeful. This Scavenger Hunt is a great way for both children and adults to start finding little things around you to help you feel positive and thankful.
Worry Dolls
These worry dolls are really simple to make and really useful at anytime, especially now. They originate from Guatemala and are used for children to tell their worries to before they go to sleep. They then put the dolls under their pillow.
Happiness Jar
Find a jar that is no longer needed. On little pieces of paper write down all the things you and your children would like to do when the Covid-19 situation is over. Put on your favourite songs in the background and get excited about all the things you have to look forward too. If you need more instructions of how to make a Happiness Jar, click the picture below.
Mindfulness Colouring In
Colouring in can be a relaxing and calming activity which can also encourage children to explore their creativity and improve their fine motor skills. It is also very enjoyable for adults too! You can find lots of examples on the internet that can be downloaded and printed.
My Home Book of Feelings and Thoughts
Download and print the book to work through. It will explore your child’s emotions through different activities.
Practical Ways to Support you and your Child’s Mental Health
The posters below list practical ways to support your own and your child’s mental health. https://believeperform.com
Abuse & Neglect
The Children’s Hub
If you think any child is at risk of abuse and neglect or at risk of serious harm, please contact The Children’s Hub.
Stockton-on-Tees & Hartlepool: 01429 284284
Out of Office Hours: 01642 524552
If it is an emergency, contact the Police on 999.
If you are worried about a child or unsure what to do, you can speak to a trained counsellor for information and advice. Click the title above to be directed to their website.